Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 2

Rode the C&O and Western Maryland Rail Trail to get to Little Orleans. 

Stayed at quaint B&B. 

Ate at Bill's. Check out the dollar bill ceiling. 


  1. So nice to keep up with your adventure. We miss you at school today! Stay safe and pedal, pedal, pedal!

  2. Sounds like you are having a great time. It's fun keeping track of your progress. I'm amazed that you have already gone so far!

  3. Given up on camping already? All is well here - we miss you already!!

  4. Hi Sis! Hope you're having fun. I see that Gary brought along the nap trailer in case you get cranky. For your convenience, I've mapped out all of the Dunkin Donuts along your route and I'll let you know when they are approaching...oops, you missed that one. :-)
